Top 3 Mistakes Homeowners Make When Selling A House in Lakewood, CA
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Many homeowners believe that selling their home will be simple as pie, regardless of the local housing market or the state of their home, but nothing could be further from the truth. Let’s look at the top 3 blunders Lakewood, CA homeowners make when selling a house in Lakewood to assist you avoid some of the main difficulties facing the average prospective home seller.

Failing to Research the Market

Homeowners who want to sell their property immediately do themselves a favor by underestimating the significance of carefully researching and comprehending their local market. And it only makes it more challenging to selling a house.

Knowing how much to list your home for when it first appears on the market is why it is so important to the process of selling a house. By spending some time browsing the listings of homes that are comparable to yours in your community, you can avoid this. Take note of the specifications that are highlighted in the ads, their asking prices, and particularly the final sale prices of any properties that have recently sold. These price ranges assist create a reasonable selling range for homes in Lakewood so that you may maximize your return while maintaining a competitive edge.

Mistakes Homeowners Make When Selling a House in Lakewood

Even after gathering all of this information, some homeowners may still be unsure of how to define the limits of their pricing spectrum. In these cases, we advise hiring an agent to help.

Real estate agents with experience and education understand how crucial it is to accurately price your home. They will do all the tedious research and math on your behalf and then present you with what they think is a fair asking price for your house. Pricing a home incorrectly can cause buyers to believe you’re trying to flee a broken fixer-upper, while pricing it incorrectly will immediately narrow your field of potential purchasers.

Not Preparing the Property

Prior to putting your home on the market, you absolutely must deep clean every square foot of your home if you’re wanting buyers to fall in love with it.

Sellers who believe their house will sell on its own without their assistance will quickly fall behind the more immaculate and well-kept competitors. Cleaning every nook and cranny is fine, but you should also clear out every room and storage area to prevent purchasers from feeling constrained or that the house cannot accommodate their demands.

It’s time to turn your attention to your home’s outside now that the interior has been taken care of. Maintain a small grass and make sure that all of your landscaping is neatly trimmed back. Use a pressure washer to clean the windows, siding, gutters, downspouts, and walkways to help add the finishing touches to the exterior of your home.

Your home will make a fantastic first impression on any potential buyers thanks to all of this attention to detail, both inside and outdoors. This helps you sell a house more quickly and for more money.

Taking Things Personally

Once buyers start looking through your home and making offers, you absolutely must keep a cool head.

It’s likely that buyers will make a few minor adjustments in an effort to gain leverage for their bids, especially in a competitive sellers’ market when they are looking for any support they can obtain. You must remain professional and accept anything a buyer says as the discussions move along. Make sure to back up your counteroffer with reasoned arguments and avoid relying just on your emotive attachment to the property. Keep in mind that anything you hold dear to your heart has no value at all in the free market.

Always do your best to present reasonable arguments and be willing to reject an offer if you feel it isn’t worthwhile.

Your Team for Selling a House in Lakewood, CA

Selling a house in Lakewood can be easy with the right team. Contact us today at 714-515-6515!

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